If else

if...else is a branching statement. It is used to take action based on some condition. For example - if user inputs valid account number and pin, then allow money withdrawal.
If statement works like "If a condition is met, then execute the task". It is used to compare things and take some action based on the comparison. Relational and logical operators support this comparison.
C language supports three variants of statementif.
As a programmer, you must have good control over program execution flow. In this exercise, we will focus to control program flow using statementsif...else.

List of if...else programming exercises

  1. Write a C program to find maximum between two numbers.
  2. Write a C program to find maximum between three numbers.
  3. Write a C program to check whether a number is negative, positive or zero.
  4. Write a C program to check whether a number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not.
  5. Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd.
  6. Write a C program to check whether a year is leap year or not.
  7. Write a C program to check whether a character is alphabet or not.
  8. Write a C program to input any alphabet and check whether it is vowel or consonant.
  9. Write a C program to input any character and check whether it is alphabet, digit or special character.
  10. Write a C program to check whether a character is uppercase or lowercase alphabet.
  11. Write a C program to input week number and print week day.
  12. Write a C program to input month number and print number of days in that month.
  13. Write a C program to count total number of notes in given amount.
  14. Write a C program to input angles of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not.
  15. Write a C program to input all sides of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not.
  16. Write a C program to check whether the triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle.
  17. Write a C program to find all roots of a quadratic equation.
  18. Write a C program to calculate profit or loss.
  19. Write a C program to input marks of five subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computer. Calculate percentage and grade according to following:
    Percentage >= 90% : Grade A
    Percentage >= 80% : Grade B
    Percentage >= 70% : Grade C
    Percentage >= 60% : Grade D
    Percentage >= 40% : Grade E
    Percentage < 40% : Grade F
  20. Write a C program to input basic salary of an employee and calculate its Gross salary according to following:
    Basic Salary <= 10000 : HRA = 20%, DA = 80%
    Basic Salary <= 20000 : HRA = 25%, DA = 90%
    Basic Salary > 20000 : HRA = 30%, DA = 95%
  21. Write a C program to input electricity unit charges and calculate total electricity bill according to the given condition:
    For first 50 units Rs. 0.50/unit
    For next 100 units Rs. 0.75/unit
    For next 100 units Rs. 1.20/unit
    For unit above 250 Rs. 1.50/unit
    An additional surcharge of 20% is added to the bill.
Try 1st by yourself then go for solution.

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